May 2024: New Kaikōkiri Announced

The J R McKenzie Trust is pleased to announce its most recent funding recipients as follows:

Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki (Raukawa Marae Management Committee)


The moemoeā of Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki is to support whānau to flourish and re-ignite the traditional practices of its tipuna by blending the knowledge of past and present to support whānau into the future, in their pursuit of Rangatiratanga. This funding will support the delivery of a programme under the name ‘My people are our wealth to develop and retain’ which includes connection, creating safe spaces, education, sharing skills, knowledge, and partnership.


Waiariki Whanau Mentoring Limited


Māori-owned charitable organisation, Waiariki Whanau Mentoring Limited, provides mentoring programmes and advocacy services designed to make positive changes in the lives of whānau who live in marginalised communities within vulnerable populations where anti-social behaviours, harm, and abuse have been normalised. This funding is to support the Manaaki Whanau Programme which is designed to enable stronger and more resilient whanau, participating in all aspects of society.


Te Ora Hou Te Tairawhiti Trust


Deeply embedded in Te Tairawhiti for over 30 years, Te Ora Hou Te Tairawhiti Trust is a seasoned community-based kaupapa Māori youth development organisation, which fosters intentional generosity and positive relationships to unlock the vast potential of young people. This funding will support the development of Mārama Taiahoaho, an empowering card game rooted in Mātauranga Māramataka which is designed to inspire positive change, build community connections, and help rangatahi and whanau comprehend their identity and responsibilities as tangata whenua.


La’ei Community Trust


Committed to forging, nurturing, and elevating Pacific cultural identities through the mediums of performance and creative arts, the endeavours of La’ei Community Trust are designed to significantly improve the health, wellbeing, and social standing of Pacific communities, drawing upon both traditional and modern Pacific knowledge systems. This funding will support extend its impactful programmes to regions across Aotearoa New Zealand with substantial Pasefika populations, leveraging digital and online capabilities to enhance its reach and engagement.


Hui Kaikōkiri 2024 – Reflections