Please read the following list carefully before proceeding to the application form.

What we can’t fund

J R McKenzie Trust is not able to fund the following. These items can’t be funded because doing so would impact our ability to fund according to our strategy.

  • Ongoing services or programmes that are "business as usual" (Note: if applying for support for a project or initiative that strongly aligns with our strategy, operating costs can be included for that particular mahi)

  • Overseas travel, either to or from New Zealand

  • Commercial ventures (we may fund social enterprise)

  • Schools (including universities, childcare centres, kindergartens) and;

    • Organisations who fundraise primarily for schools

    • School-based and extra-curricular programmes

  • Construction or renovation of buildings. For example, school halls, gymnasiums, playgrounds, community centres, or swimming pools

  • Operating costs for sports clubs (this includes equipment, salaries, uniforms, prizes/trophies).

  • Contribution to a debt reduction

  • Core healthcare services, including hospitals and GPs

  • Endowments, capital funds, other trust funds

  • Central or local government

  • Scholarships for individuals

  • Medical and health research

  • Single-issue health organisations

  • Promotion of religious or political messages

  • Purchase or renovation of buildings

  • Purchase of land

  • Rest homes